Workers must now learn new skills to remain employable
in a competitive job market.

The workforce is moving to freelance, flexible and remote work options, where work can be performed any place, at any time.

Are you faced with any of these dilemmas?

Difficulty obtaining full-time work?

Skills are not suitable for the global marketplace?

Current salary is not keeping up with cost of living?

Stuck in a dead-end job with no career progression?

Real wages are declining

Against a backdrop of increasing outsourcing and automation in workplaces, many workers are lower wages once adjusted for rises in cost of living. The dream of homeownership and a comfortable retirement seems out of reach for many, particularly younger generations. With an increasing urgency to generate more income, many individuals are looking to the ‘gig’ economy to subsidise their lifestyle. Many professionals due to job insecurity and flat wages are considering the self-employment route, joining the growing number of freelancers. The dream of homeownership and a comfortable retirement seems out of reach for many, particularly younger generations. With an increasing urgency to generate more income, many individuals are looking to the ‘gig’ economy to subsidise their lifestyle.

How we can help

Work where you want, when you want

Learn how to create a work environment that fits your lifestyle without becoming isolated and disconnected from the outside world. Transition well to freelance and contract work with minimal disruption to your finances. Deliver more for less and demonstrate value to clients through providing a superior skill set to in-house staff.

Learn new skills and systems that help you earn more

Boost your productivity through online systems that cut out menial tasks and improve workflow. Become an early-adopter of advanced project management systems that will give you the capacity to take on more clients and earn more. Strengthen your marketing and improve your targeting of potential clients by better profiling the market using online data.

Manage fluctuation in income levels

Controlling cash flow is one of the biggest challenges of becoming self-employed but there are strategies you can put in place so that you can plan, pay bills and go on the occasional holiday. Learn how to pay yourself a regular income while facing fluctuations in business revenue. Create the business structure that is best suited for self-employment and improve your bottom line.

The New Economy