We Are In A New Economy

Navigate the challenges for your business, work and lifestyle

What challenges are you facing
with the New Economy?


Globalisation, the emergence of new technologies and the evolution of the internet, means that many businesses are recognising the need to transform their operating model so they are well positioned to capitalise on the opportunities of a digital economy and minimise the risk of falling profit margins. With greater competition, there has never been more urgency to remain agile and flexible to opportunities created by the New Economy.


For many professionals, there is a greater urgency to upskill and retrain with up to 40% of jobs to be replaced by AI and automation in the next decade. At the same time, the workforce is moving to freelance, flexible and remote work options. Individuals are wondering if it’s possible to have stability being self-employed, pay themselves a regular wage and still create the work/life balance that suits their lifestyle and needs.


The benefits for improved health and wellbeing for individuals are compelling as more time is made available through adopting efficient work practices. However for many, the transition from a structured office job to one set on their own terms can be a significant adjustment and can lead to an increase in anxiety and sense of isolation. Learning how to find purpose and stay connected to your local community is key to experiencing a richer quality of life.

Start to prepare your business & life for the future of work

There are many new threats and opportunities facing businesses and workers today. This website will help you navigate the changes taking place in the economy with practical articles, training and coaching.

Moving from the traditional business model to an agile one has given me more time and freedom in my life.

05Darren Laudenbach.

The New Economy has helped give more a more flexbility
in both work & life!

Jordan Mullen

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5 Ways To Be Ready For Job Loss In A Highly Globalised World

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